Are you looking to apply for a graduate internship or full time job, but struggling to navigate the process? Not even getting invited to interview? Failing at the last hurdle? This is where I come in…
Why invest in my help?
There are approximately 400,000 students graduating each year, but according to the High Fliers Research, only in the region of 28,000 vacancies with the top 100 employers. The rejection rate for graduates is a staggering 98%! I can help you to understand what that elusive 2% are doing.
About me
I have over 20 years experience within graduate recruitment. I started my career with Goldman Sachs and currently help numerous organisations, screening applications and…
This service
I offer a very individual service which is fully tailored to suit your needs and available at times when careers services are shut, so there is someone to speak to when you have…
Hear from the graduates I have helped;
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